Making Lives Better

The Benefits of Volunteering

Connects you to others – helping make your community a better place can expand your network, and boost your social skills, Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, especially if you are new to the area

Improves your mind and body – volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self confidence, self- esteem and general life satisfaction. It can also help you stay physically healthy.

Volunteering can provide career experience and the opportunity to acquire new skills – including the opportunity to try out a new career, without making a long-term commitment or the chance to gain experience in a new field. It can also offer the opportunity to build upon existing skills and use them to the benefit of the wider community.

Volunteering can provide fun and fulfilment - it is a great way to explore your interests, an opportunity to work within a different environment or a relaxing escape from your daily routine of work and family commitments.

How Do I Volunteer?

When you visit the Volunteer Centre you will be invited to complete a simple registration form during an informal and confidential one- to-one interview. We can then guide you towards an appropriate volunteering opportunity. All our volunteers are offered initial training and advice and full support thereafter, ensuring our volunteers get the best from their experience.

Current Volunteering Opportunities

We are always looking for volunteers to befriend and support clients locally. Pop in for a visit, a cuppa and a chat. Some elderly more vulnerable people, may not be able to get out and socialise - a visit from a friendly face can mean the world to someone who is alone.

One off gardening - perhaps a bit of weeding or mowing the lawn for someone recently discharged from hospital. A little help such as this can help stop worry and frustration about the little things and clients can concentrate on getting better!
The same goes for dog walking, someone recently home from hospital and unable to do such things would really appreciate a volunteer taking some time with their "best friend".

Community Car Driving - use your own car for local journeys for those otherwise unable to access shopping, dentist, day centre visits etc. Get a generous mileage allowance paid for each mile travelled and meet new friends on the way.
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01986 875600

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3.30pm
Book a Community Car:

01986 874290

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm
Patrick Stead Day Care Centre, London Road, Halesworth IP19 8LR
Charity number: 1001776
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