Making Lives Better

Isolation Busters

Isolation Busters - there when you need us...

Our Isolation Busters are not just befrienders, they are dog walkers, boardgame players, shoulders to cry on, gossip merchants, garden tidiers, problem solvers and life enhancers.

They are providers of treats, trips and lots of tea. The award winning Isolation Buster programme is for anybody who is isolated or alone.


  • "Mrs D stopped going out after her husband died. Now her Isolation Buster volunteer takes her out for afternoon, visiting old haunts or just going to the Angel for a coffee."
  • "Mrs P has struggled since her husband was diagnosed with dementia. Once a week, volunteer dog Jensen takes Mr P for a walk. A chance for Mrs P to catch up with some chores. Sometimes Jensen lets his owner stay for a chat too."
  • Tom visits Mrs C once a month, he tidies up her garden and does any little jobs around the house, he always brings some cake so they can sit and have a cup of tea and a natter

We can help

If you can no longer get out and about and would like a bit of company, our Isolation Busters can help.  If you need a little help in the garden or with walking the dog, just give us a call.

If you are worried that your mum or dad is spending too much time on their own, you can talk to us about how we can help.  We can arrange trips out, a regular visit for tea and a chat, whatever your loved one wants. 

Just give us a call on 01986 875600.


01986 875600

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3.30pm
Book a Community Car:

01986 874290

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm
Patrick Stead Day Care Centre, London Road, Halesworth IP19 8LR
Charity number: 1001776
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